Just a fast second post about Syracuse, NY. If you're in the area with a rental car, it's probably worth your time to check out the dining/drinking options downtown in Armory Square [
link ]. It's a few blocks long and downtown, on a weekday evening, is totally dead, so parking is a breeze.
Armory Square was hopping, however, with people ranging from the college-aged crowd to those New Yorkers with gray hair and college kids of their own. This particular Spring night, everyone was out and about in the Square just enjoying the warm air with plenty of beer at the many streetside restaurants.
I ended up at the Blue Tusk Pub and Wine Bar [
official site ]

, tasting their mystery draught beer and their Tuesday night special, some sort of pesto chicken and mushroom sandwich on some pretty good bread. $8 well spent. Just check it out for yourself if the weather's nice.